Summer term 2023                 Digital and Participarory Methods
                                                  MA Institut für Länderkunde, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Winter term 2021/22               Introduction to Human Geography
                                                  BA Geography

Summer term 2019                 Organisation of a Student Conference
MA South Asian Studies

Winter term 2018/2019          Qualitative Research Methods: Principal Tools and Case Studies from the Global South MA Geography & South Asian Studies
(with Medha Chaturvedi)

Winter term 2017/2018          Geographical Views on Water Dynamics in Arid Mountains
                                                  BA/MA Geography & South Asian Studies (with Carina Zang)

Winter term 2016/2017          Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Agriculture in South Asia during the Anthropocene
                                                  BA/MA Geography & South Asian Studies (with Julia Poerting)

                                                  Human Environmental Research - "Water" from the Perspective of Human and Physical Geography
                                                  BA/MA Geography & South Asian Studies (with Carina Zang)

Winter term 2015/2016          Excursion: Bonn – Former Capital and Centre of Development Cooperation
BA/MA Geography & South Asian Studies (with Dr. Juliane Dame)